Lake Krymne
Krymne - lake of karst origin in Shatsk district of Volyn. reg., 2 km from the village. Melnyky. Connected with river Ruta by channel. The length is 2 km, width. to 0.72 km sq. 1.44 km. sq., depth, up to 6 m.
Basin is wrong elongated shape. The banks are mostly low-lying, marshy in some places. Powered by atmospheric precipitation and groundwater. In winter freezes. The bottom is sandy, muddy in some areas.
Basin is wrong elongated shape. The banks are mostly low-lying, marshy in some places. Powered by atmospheric precipitation and groundwater. In winter freezes. The bottom is sandy, muddy in some areas.
There are rare plants - water lilies, orchids. Is found 25 species of fish (including bream, pike, perch, roach, eel, Canadian catfish, carp); there are cancers. On the banks - nesting areas of waders, wild ducks and other birds.