Житло для відпочинку в village Svitiaz: Hotels

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Детально про village Svitiaz

Today, there are many who want to spend a summer vacation on the Shatsk Lakes. Svityaz is a village in the Shatsky district of Volyn, which is famous for the reservoir located here.
On the territory of this place lies the famous, the deepest lake in Ukraine - Svityaz. It seems to attract tourists with its grandeur, purity and mystery.

village Svitiaz: як дістатись

As the railway does not pass through the territory of Shatsk National Nature Park (on the territory of which the village of Svityaz is located), most often the trip here will be at least one change in Kovel, where there is a railway connection. As a rule, Kovel can be easily reached from any part of Ukraine.

So you can get to Kovel by train. And from Kovel to Svityaz can be reached in several ways:
  • own car;
  • public transport (local buses);
  • private vehicles.

It is best to drive your own car from Kovel on the highway E373 / M07, popular name "Warsaw", to Luboml, and then turn on T0302 in the direction of the village. Shatsk.

And how to get from Kovel to Svityaz by public transport?
During the summer, a large number of shuttle buses go through the Kovel bus station (Lesia Ukrainka Boulevard, 40) to the territory of the Shatsk Lakes, in particular to the village of Svityaz, both direct and passable. Interval between minibuses from 5-10 minutes to 40 minutes. So there should be no problems with public transport.

How to get from Kovel to Svityaz by private car or taxi?
In the parking lot, at the back of the bus station or in front of the main entrance to the train station, in summer, there are usually many private minibuses. Minibus drivers offer direct transportation from Kovel to Shatsky Lakes, in particular in the village. Svityaz. You can find such cars from the plates on the hood or go to the voice of drivers. Among the advantages of such transportation is that there are always seats and enough space for luggage.

village Svitiaz: коли їхати

Svityaz is more suitable for summer vacation.
If you are a family man, or love peace and quiet, you should come here in June. There will not be so many loud young people here, because most of them are still starting or the session has started.
There are many more people here in July and August. If you are a company person, love new acquaintances and loud discos until the morning, it is best to visit Svityaz just then.
But even in winter Svityaz is difficult to avoid. It attracts here with its snowy landscapes, which create the atmosphere of a winter fairy tale.
Therefore, only you can decide when to visit Svityaz, based on your own wishes.

village Svitiaz: чим зайнятись

Resting in Svityaz will be something to do and people who love adventure. There are many opportunities for guests to spend their time actively. Being here, you can choose what you like and leave a sea of positive and unforgettable emotions.
Svityaz offers its guests kayaking, excursions and safaris, walks, bike rides, and do not forget about diving.
For lovers of peace and quiet, a great choice will be a walk in the woods, fishing, where you will fully experience the atmosphere of unity with nature.